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kkveen2.jpg (60649 bytes)

* Did you know that if you rest your mouse-pointer on a photograph it will give a short text.

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Trekking.jpg (384497 bytes)Studying photography at the academy. Artistic with ponytail..jpg (83857 bytes)My sister and brother..jpg (74118 bytes)Gardening at my dad's.jpg (408195 bytes)Gardening at my dad's !!!????.jpg (274328 bytes)Picnicking with Wendy (girlfriend) and Sylvia (my dad's wife)..jpg (418166 bytes)

I miss the picture with the horse-carriage, anyone????

Morocco.jpg (168401 bytes)Camping in France.jpg (347766 bytes)Camping in France..jpg (127854 bytes)Israel..jpg (273774 bytes)Israel..jpg (234627 bytes)israel.jpg (315247 bytes)Israel..jpg (274014 bytes)Israel, Jeruzalem.jpg (385204 bytes)Sick boy guarded by faithful dog (bouvier).jpg (200786 bytes)Art by my mother..jpg (1061818 bytes)Art by my mother..jpg (987124 bytes)Always visiting Cathedrals, Churches, Castles in France (BORING!)jpg (545897 bytes)Always visiting Cathedrals, Churches, Castles in France (BORING!).jpg (415637 bytes)First boyfriend of my mother after my father..jpg (363210 bytes)First boyfriend of my mother after my father..jpg (173291 bytes)lifeguardaction.jpg (337206 bytes)beachboy.jpg (199258 bytes)Barefooted.jpg (301700 bytes)"Let's do the hippy hippy shake!".jpg (185712 bytes)Tarzan raised with.........jpg (282168 bytes)Greece..jpg (85402 bytes)greece.jpg (309315 bytes)Greece..jpg (370808 bytes)Greece..jpg (298300 bytes)Greece..jpg (290655 bytes)With maid.jpg (294096 bytes)With dogs.jpg (179560 bytes)

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