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My late grandfather of my mother's side (Herman).jpg (849734 bytes)My mother's side grandmother with my uncle and aunts. My mother tottaly right. Sitting (Rein), left to right; Rita, Herma, Ton, Gerda, Gerard, Marian, Anita. Middle, grandmother Marie. BMPMy aunt (Herma).jpg (123259 bytes) My uncle (father's side) with wife, friend, my father's wife, children and me.jpg (516456 bytes)My niece (Barbara) and me.jpg (93796 bytes)My uncle(Gerard), me, the dog, and our parrot.jpg (259193 bytes) Good friend opposite..jpg (177906 bytes)My father (Han) and brother (Silva) rowing, my sisters (Katharina and Madalena) in the back.jpg (358905 bytes)children.jpg (275472 bytes)My mother's second husband (Gert-Jan) and his children and me..jpg (149351 bytes)A party!??.jpg (202487 bytes)Sylvia, Madalena, Katharina, and Silva just got presents from Santa Claus..jpg (371623 bytes)family3.jpg (141267 bytes)han3.jpg (209963 bytes)hangertjan.jpg (82816 bytes)My father's second wife (Sylvia)..jpg (202483 bytes)

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